Thursday, October 9, 2008

andd we're back!

okay so i know i haven't blogged in a while. but chill. (i'm talking to you jessica best and christina dittmann.) i don't even know where to start...and since i'm a listy person i guess i'll just make some lists...

reasons i love my life
1. cuddlegan is the best thing that has ever happened to me
2. i love my roomies
3. unfortch we don't have a garbage disposal
4. i got a really cute new winter coat
5. i've already been to pisticci four times
6. robbie is visiting tomorrow!
7. i don't currently work in finance so i didn't lose my job
8. i love ballet
9. christina and i are getting really good at singing

things i have been baking
1. apple pie!
2. pumpkin bread
3. granola (obv)
4. oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
5. cupcakes for stina's bday
6. banana blueberry muffins
7. cuddlegan cuddlewiches

things i have been cooking
1. roasted squash
2. tofuuuuu
3. X&A's Michael's pasta
4. steamed asparagus

things i plan to bake/cook
1. zucchini bread
2. banana bread
3. something else apple
4. carrot soup

1. the day carolyn came over and we gossiped and got our nails done. i got purple on my fingernails and pink on my tootsies.
2. free beer at homecoming with some roomies followed by babysitting followed by sunil's 25th birthday party
3. when stina and i went shopping and had the best day ever. and then we ate lunch at that really cute cafe.

things that aren't so hot
1. i'm sick! snotty! grumpy! booo.
2. i miss nils!
3. 2 papers and a presentation next week!
4. isabelle = aggression
5. the coffee people in Dodge keep messing up my order

things to look forward to
1. the thing that christina and i are creating this weekend
2. GW for halloween!
3. getting over this sickness
4. napping after work today
5. being a blogger again


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